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Esbjerg’s mayor, Jesper Frost (right), attended Resource’s ground-breaking ceremony with Quantafuel’s Project Director and Resource Denmark’s Chairman, Erik Rynning.
Esbjerg’s mayor, Jesper Frost (right), attended Resource’s ground-breaking ceremony with Quantafuel’s Project Director and Resource Denmark’s Chairman, Erik Rynning.

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Construction begins on Denmark’s largest plastic waste sorting facility

(DANISH VERSION BELOW) Quantafuel is pleased to announce that the construction of Resource Denmark, a game-changer for the plastic waste market in Denmark and the country’s largest plastic sorting facility, has officially begun in Esbjerg. A ground-breaking ceremony has taken place with Esbjerg’s mayor Jesper Frost Rasmussen, who has been a champion of the project since its early stages.

The milestone in Esbjerg, marking the official building start, was celebrated today together with representatives from Resource, its owners Quantafuel ASA and Eurazeo SE, as well as local businesses, politicians, suppliers and representatives from Esbjerg municipality.

Esbjerg’s mayor, Jesper Frost, attended Resource’s ground-breaking ceremony, where he said: “With Esbjerg’s ambitions to be a sustainable energy metropolis and a goal of being CO2 neutral by 2030, it is great to welcome a company with the potential to help with one of the most important climate challenges. This way, we can sort plastic waste correctly, create value and show the way we, as a society, would like to go.”

Erik Rynning, Quantafuel’s Project Director and Resource Denmark’s Chairman, says: “There is a great need for plastic waste sorting in Denmark and we are thrilled that our plant will be a major contributor for Denmark to reach its recycling goals. Today marks the beginning of a plant that will be capable of sorting up to 160,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste annually into recyclable fractions. We are grateful for all the support we have been given, both from Esbjerg municipality, local businesses and collaboration partners. Together we will make a huge difference.”

Martin Sichelkow, Eurazeo’s Managing Director of the Infrastructure team, says: “Less than four months after signing our joint venture agreement with Quantafuel, we are delighted to already reach this key milestone, which is another step on the way to delivering an essential piece of the puzzle for Denmark and the wider region to turn plastic waste into a valuable resource.”

The sorting facility is expected to be commissioned at the end of 2023. Rambøll manages the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) of the plant, contractor Jorton is the project’s main entrepreneur and Eggersmann is the supplier of waste sorting treatment equipment.

When operational, the facility will employ close to 50 full-time employees. The next phase of the Esbjerg project will include a large-scale PtL plant based on Quantafuel’s technology.


Byggeriet af Danmarks største sorteringsanlæg for plastaffald går i gang

Quantafuel kan med glæde meddele, at byggeriet af Resource Denmark, Danmarks største plastsorteringsanlæg, der er banebrydende inden for plastaffald i Danmark, officielt er begyndt i Esbjerg. Første spadestik blev taget sammen med Esbjergs borgmester Jesper Frost Rasmussen, der har været fortaler for projektet siden den tidlige begyndelse.

Den officielle byggestart blir i dag fejret med repræsentanter fra Resource Denmark, Quantafuel ASA og Eurazeo SE (ejere af anlægget), samt lokale virksomheder, politikere, leverandører og repræsentanter fra Esbjerg Kommune.

Esbjergs borgmester, Jesper Frost Rasmussen, deltog i en ceremoni, hvor det første spadestik blev taget. Ved ceremonien sagde han:

"Med Esbjergs ambitioner om at være en bæredygtig energimetropol og et mål om at være CO2-neutral i 2030 er det fantastisk at kunne byde velkommen til en virksomhed, der har potentiale til at hjælpe med en af de mest essentielle klimaudfordringer. Med den nye teknologi kan vi sortere plastaffald korrekt, skabe værdi og vise den retning, vi som samfund gerne vil gå."

Erik Rynning, Quantafuels projektdirektør og formand for Ressource Denmark siger: "Der er et stort behov for sortering af plastaffald i Danmark, og vi er glade for, at vores anlæg kan bidrage til, at Danmark kan nå sine genanvendelsesmål. Sorteringsanlægget kommer til at kunne sortere op til 160.000 tons blandet plastaffald årligt til genanvendelse. Vi er taknemmelige for den støtte vi har fået fra både Esbjerg Kommune, lokale virksomheder og samarbejdspartnere. Sammen kommer vi til at gøre en kæmpe forskel.”

Martin Sichelkow, administrerende direktør for infrastrukturteamet hos Eurazeos, siger: "Det er blot fire måneder siden, at vi indgik vores joint venture-aftale med Quantafuel, derfor glæder det os, at vi allerede har nået denne vigtige milepæl. Det er et betydeligt skridt på vejen for Danmark og regionen som helhed mod at omdanne plastaffald til en værdifuld ressource."

Sorteringsanlægget forventes at stå klar ved udgangen af 2023. Rambøll står for ingeniørarbejde, indkøb og konstruktion af anlægget, Jorton er projektets hovedentreprenør og Eggersmann er leverandør af udstyr til behandling af affaldssortering.

Når anlægget kører, vil det beskæftige knap 50 fuldtidsansatte. Den næste fase af Esbjerg-projektet vil omfatte et Plastic-to-Liquid-anlæg (PtL) i stor skala baseret på Quantafuels teknologi.

Quantafuel is a Norwegian technology-based recycling company with the purpose of ending wasteful and unsustainable handling of our planet's resources. Drawing on more than ten years of development, Quantafuel converts waste plastics back into low-carbon synthetic oil products replacing virgin oil products. Quantafuel aims to rapidly build up production capacity on a global scale and to have a meaningful impact on one of our time's most pressing environmental challenges.



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